Saturday, September 21, 2013

Opinion Writing- Freebie

I have to admit, I had my reservations on how my students would manage opinion writing, but I have been greatly surprised by their enthusiasm and effort.

This summer, Wendie and I worked on providing our students with nonfiction passages that would help them compare two similar concepts. Then we worked on scaffolding the writing process to make it meaningful and engaging for our students. The results have been amazing!

We started with the "The Coolest of the Pioneer World" where students read about Johnny Appleseed and then Daniel Boone. Once they find similarities and differences they are able to choose who they believe is the coolest pioneer. They loved this! Then, they moved on to the writing piece where they used their passages to provide evidence to why they believe their choice is the "coolest."

We are still in the final stages of publishing. But I wanted to share our little successes and remind you that it is one of our freebies on our TPT store.

As students finish their writing we will place it under the pioneer of their choice. Click on the pic if you would like the posters for your opinion writing board. Enjoy and Happy Fall!

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